Medication in School
The health of your child is always a high priority at school. It is essential we know about your child’s current health needs so that we can plan well for the new academic year.
If your child normally has medication in school you need to complete one of the following relevant forms each September so that we can continue to hold and administer this. This applies to inhalers, adrenaline auto-injectors, creams and paracetamol that need to be administered on a regular basis for a long term medical condition on advice from your child’s GP. Any medication must be accompanied by the appropriate school form AND a prescription label or note from a GP. It is your responsibility as parent to ensure that medication held in school is in date and the relevant permissions have been given for the new academic year. Please talk to your GP over the summer to ensure that medication is available for your child’s first day back in September.
If your child becomes ill with a short term illness, e.g. eye infection, then it may be possible for staff to administer medication in school. You will need to complete a medication form and talk to the school office to know whether this can be administered in school to your child.